
We acknowledge with respect that we operate in Robinson-Huron Treaty territory, that the land on which we live and work is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe and home of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation.


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Three Month Paid Communications Intern Opportunity

Did you want to learn more about independent publishing in Canada. We have a unique opportunity for northern Ontario. We are seeking a Communications Officer Intern for a 3 month paid internship. Thanks to the Ontario Book Publishers Association and Ontario Creates, a communications intern can learn hands-on about manuscript acquisitions, marketing and publicity first hand, inside a small independent publishing house located in Sudbury, Ontario. We publish distinctive literary works by creators living and loving Northern Ontario, as well as works about the unique landscape and culture of the north. See the attached job descriptions for more details. Submit your resume to before October 15th. Communications Intern Job Description_Sept 2019    

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Ontario Book Publishers Organization
Literary Press Group of Canada
Association of Canadian Publishers

Mitchell Gauvin

Mitchell Gauvin

Consulting Editor

Mitchell Gauvin is a Sudbury-raised, Toronto-born writer and editor whose literary work has appeared in a variety of publications. His debut novel, Vandal Confession, was released in Fall 2015 and translated into French by XYZ Editeur for Fall 2017. He was a Committee Member for the 2015 Wordstock Sudbury Literary Festival, a member of the 2014-15 Sudbury Theatre Centre’s Playwrights’ Junction, and had his worked featured at Pat the Dog’s 2015 PlaySmelter Festival. He holds a B.A. (Hons.) from the University of Toronto, an M.A. from University College Dublin, and is currently completing a PhD in English at York University.

Laura Stradiotto

Laura Stradiotto

publisher / author relations

Laura Stradiotto is a journalist, web content developer and media relations specialist based in Sudbury. She’s a member of The Canadian Association of Journalists, Professional Writer’s Association of Canada and Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. Laura has a B.A. (Hons.) in Rhetoric/Italian Studies from Laurentian University (2001) and a post-diploma in journalism from Cambrian College (2002). In May 2017 she completed an M.F.A. in Creative Non Fiction at the University of King’s College in Halifax, NS.

Heather Campbell

Heather Campbell


Heather has spent over 25 years in communications and freelance writing, specializing in issues relevant to Northern Ontario communities. A graduate of York University (BA Sociology ’92), she has combined her education, experience and ‘need to initiate’ by starting a local chapter of the Professional Writers Association of Canada and the Wordstock Sudbury Literary Festival. Joining forces with Laura to start a new publishing house for the North is a natural extension of how she can contribute to creating a thriving literary scene in Northern Ontario.