Judges wrangling over who’ll win a Northern Lit Award this fall

by: Sudbury.com Staff
Sudbury publisher Latitude 46 has three works nominated for awards
Back in May, Sudbury.com clued you in on the shortlist for the Northern Lit Awards this year.
Sudbury publisher Latitude 46 is well-represented among the finalists.
The publishing house started by Laura Gregorini and Heather Campbell saw three books it publishes included on the shortlist. In the English Adult Fiction category, Diana Douglas’ “Somewhere Picking Dandelions” and Shawna Diane Partridge’s “Rule of Seconds” both made the list.
In the Louise de Kiriline Lawrence Award for English Non-Fiction category, Danielle Daniel’s “The Dependent” also made the list.
“Huge congrats to @daniellefdaniel, Shawna Diane Partridge and Diana Douglas — three female authors we published in 2016. Shortlisted here!” Latitude 46 tweeted at the time.
Now, with the finalists chosen, a panel of Northern Ontario public and First Nation librarians have begun deliberating to select a winner in each category. Finalists represent literary work written by authors with a connection to Northern Ontario and whose book has been published in the past two years.
Winners will be announced and awards presented at the Ontario Library Service – North awards banquet Sept. 27 at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Sudbury.
The nominees are:
English Adult Fiction
- Chalk – Doug Diaczuk (Anvil Press)
- Wenjack – Joseph Boyden (Penguin Canada)
- Grace and the Secret Vault – Ruth Latta (Baico Publishing)
- Somewhere Picking Dandelions – Diana Douglas (Latitude 46)
- Rule of Seconds – Shawna Diane Partridge (Latitude 46)
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence: Non-fiction
- Killarney – Gustav A. Richar (Morsel Press)
- The Dependent – Danielle Daniel (Latitude 46)
- The Reason You Walk – Wab Kinew (Penguin Canada)
- Alone Against the North – Adam Shoalts (Penguin Canada)
Poll Question:
Have you read any of the books by local authors nominated for a Northern Lit Award?
The Dependent – Danielle Daniel
Somewhere Picking Dandelions – Diana Douglas
Rule of Seconds – Shawna Diane Partridge