Latitude 46 Publishing celebrates fall releases

Latitude 46 Publishing will celebrate the release of five books this fall with a public launch on Sept. 28 at 7 p.m. at Natura Events, next to Verdicchio Ristorante. Admission is free and there will be a cash bar.
Following the success of its first full year of programming featuring a strong line-up of all female writers and national attention, the literary press continues to focus on the authors and stories that shape the experience, culture and history of northern Ontario.
This fall, the Sudbury-based literary press will publish the works of award-winning playwright and theatre director Rod Carley (North Bay), poet Roger Nash (Sudbury), teacher Liisa Kovala (Sudbury) and adventure tour guide Hap Wilson (Rosseau). Latitude 46 Publishing will also print a second edition of Suzanne Charron’s biography Wolf Man Joe LaFlamme: Tamer Untamed, which was originally published by Scrivener Press.
All five titles will be released in Sudbury, with additional events scheduled across Ontario. Books will be available for sale at the launch and then select retailers across North America, and online through Latitude 46 Publishing, Chapters and Amazon.